Been so long never visit here to drop by message. Nothing. Just another typical night that I just feel like typing. Or should I put this way, I have been typing reports for Design 2 and CAD/CAM, just wanna take some time to free myself and Breathe. This semester has been one of the kind. So strange. 11 weeks had passed since the first week of the first semester in my third year. Third year. It sounds so strange yet so exciting. I always thought, in high school, Form 4 is the most exciting phase. It's like you're a senior but not too old for high school and fun. Same thing applies here. I always thought third year is the best. Wrong and doubtful. In fact, it's like the beginning of the torture. Dont trust me, I am not an engineer yet . LOL. Last weekend was my very first time to visit the MMU Cyberjaya Campus for MMU Convocation 2014. Back then one year ago, somewhere at this time, I never knew everything could have changed so much. One year. Never underestimate what ...