Thank You, 2014.

New Year celebration in Jonker Streer, Malacca! Okay, apparently the last time I updated this was last year. haha. Right, that's the joke. Seems to be like the last post was in November. Not very long afterall. Well, in the past two months, the period seems to be very short but those two months have the most impact in Alice's life I have to say. Great Christmas, So much of Love for Alice's 21st Birthday and Blessed New Year of 2015 with lovely friends around. 2014 had been one of the craziesssstttt ride ever. Like real crazy. So much of stuff took place in the past year and I am glad, *taking a deeeeep breath* Alice is still surviving. Now that 2014 is over, I wish to express my utmost gratitude to 2014 for being so challenging but at the same time, always leaving me the crack of light and pulling me through each time I thought of dark skies. And of cuz, to all the people around me, family, friends or just acquaintances, Thank You so much for all those kind words and de...