16th May 2016 - First Day, Wk 7, Epsilon Year

As I woke up this morning, the moment I opened my eyes, the very first thought came by, "Today is the first day of Week 7. The last week of my Epsilon year, Final Semester." I am not sure what kind of emotions should I register? It's a mixed feelings. Flashback to the very first day I admitted into Multimedia University, Malacca Campus, it was the first day of the Orientation Week and I was wearing all full formal attire, my hair was short back then. Went through the Foundation Year with so much of fun and lesser stress as compared to the following four years later. As my peers and myself, all "upgraded" to the First Year (a.k.a Beta Year in MMU) things got tougher than before. Some were unfortunately, not able to get through it and some were doing so well and listed as the smart one. I was just the average one. Not the best, and also not the worst. And then I was all being average, all the way in Beta, Gamma, Delta and finally Epsilon. Well, that's for...