Heart, Mind and You

Homo sapiens, the only surviving hominid; species to which modern man belongs; bipedal primate having language and ability to make and use complex tools; brain volume at least 1400 cc, according to the web definitions.

Scientists classified homo sapiens as the smartest and brilliant creature in the universe, ironically, scientists are humans too. What impressed me the most about the definition was 'the ability to make and use complex tool; brain'. Is that so? Do we really have the full ability to make and use the complex tool? I can recall there was one time, I came across to a movie that had an argument on the humans' heart and mind. Does the heart or the mind play more important role in decision makings?

Scientifically, brain can definitely be listed as the most complicated tool but something much more complex is awaiting in the list; The heart. Have you ever encountered a moment when you are unsure if the things you are going after are your desires? At times, I can get confused by myself too; going after on certain thing for so long then at one point, I will ask myself, 'Is that what you want? Is that your sincere desire from the bottom of your heart or that's only what your mind have created, and you are just playing your role as the solid physical to make it true.
Funny when our hearts and minds never paralyze. Doubts,hesitations questions and in the end, lost.

Hearts and minds are similar to desires and wants. As our hearts fall for something, we make it as desire. A very strong feeling that strike on us and most of the times, it's out of pure intention. Or even with sarcasm, an irrational or not-so-making-sense decision. As sarcastic as it sounds, the heart always speak the truth. Then, at this moment, the ever complex tool; the brain emerges. Giving directions and silent instructions based on logical (or so-called, logical) analysis. Unsure if you realize this, when we were still very young, the time when we were still not exposed to the importance and necessity of money, our ambitions were as simple as this, "I want to be rich, buy all the stuff I desire...", and guess what was 'the stuff'? It can be from a bar of chocolate to a toy car set or even a bucket of your favourite ice-cream. Bear in mind, we were young, therefore, our desires were from our pure intention, genuine feeling of love on what we wished for. Kids, being innocent as always.

As we grow, our desires change. We no longer make desires, we make wants. Thinking how everything should flow in plans, in controls, in the most common ways. Growing up, we learn to pick up responsibilities on every act. Putting priorities on the decisions made by the mind instead of the heart because we were taught so. Be logical, be rational, be responsible and most of all, be a grown up. True enough, growing up can be very brutal and an unpleasant thing but it's also the most essential chapter which everyone is legitimate to encounter and to learn.

The moment when we get confused by desires and wants, it's the time we should reflect on ourselves. The whispers we hear from the heart and the mind are both equally paramount. Maybe by taking a deep breath, hauling a step back, you'll find the right voice. It doesn't matter if it's from the heart or the brain, it's a desire or a want, it's about the voice. After all, heart or mind, desires or wants are like the black and white keys on piano. We don't play only one color of the keys. We play both keys to make a delicate piece. Similarly, to produce the melody you yearn to hear, play both keys, listen to both the heart and the mind. Just remember one thing, at the end of the day, you are your very own composer. Audiences can be there to cheer or to criticize but you sing the song. Compose a good one.


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